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Seated Massage 

Our seated massage service is the most popular office massage option chosen by our clients.

Seated massages are performed while the employee is sitting in a specially designed massage chair. The employee leans forward and rests their head on an ergonomically designed headrest.

The employee keeps their clothes on, and no oils are used, therefore the employee can resume working immediately after the massage is completed.


Seated massages can be 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 minutes long. From our experience, we recommend 15 or 20 minutes as optimal.


Three Seated Massage Options

Standard Seated Massage

For our standard option, we set the chair up in a quiet part of the office or in a meeting room. We provide you with a roster / booking system (either online or hard copy) so that your staff can arrange their own session times (that’s one less thing for you to do).


“At Desk” Seated Massage

For this option, the employees are given their massage at their own desk. Instead of using a specially designed chair, the therapist places a specially designed headrest on the employee’s table, and the employee sits in their own chair and rests their head on the headrest.


With this option it isn’t necessary to organise a schedule of when each employee is having their turn, because the massage therapist can simply move from one employee’s desk to the next. (Although we can provide you with the scheduling service if you want it.)


This option is especially good for call centres.


Deluxe Seated Massage

The Deluxe seated massage option is done on a specially designed chair and includes aromatherapy, relaxing music, and surveys to monitor your employee’s feedback.


Table Massage

If you prefer, our therapists can use a traditional massage table instead of a chair, however these require more time, so we recommend a session length of at least 20 minutes. You also have the option of specifying whether employees may take clothes off or whether they must leave them on, as well as whether oil can be used.



Thank you so much, everybody loved the massage and was very happy! And relaxed 🙂

by Amina Saleh

Business Administration Manager, Dubai UAE


Corporate Massage Prices

Our corporate massage rates are very affordable.


Corporate Event and Conference Massage

Seated massages are ideal for your next conference or event.


PAYG Massage Sessions

An alternative solution is to give your staff the option to pay for their own seated massage during their work time.

In this way the company benefits from having less stressed staff without having to bear all the cost.

Our PAYG Workplace Massage initiative is a cost-effective way of gaining the many benefits of workplace massage without affecting the budget.


How PAYG Sessions Work

This system allows staff to take advantage of the therapeutic benefits of workplace massage, without the need for formal intervention from senior management or financial approval.


Your staff simply use the MindReser Corporate Holistic Services online booking system to book a workplace seated massage at a time that’s convenient to them. Payment is the responsibility of the employee. They can pay online using PayPal or a credit card, or they can pay in cash at the time of their session.


Massages are usually 20 minutes and are ideally conducted in a private environment, preferably a small meeting room.




Complimentary sessions for the organiser for the first 3 months.

Our recommendation based on client feedback is for office massages to be offered weekly or fortnightly, for optimum staff satisfaction and performance.


Our clients’ feedback says it’s a great way to contribute to employee morale and wellbeing and is very much appreciated by staff.


MindReset Corporate Holistic Services is able to provide corporate massage at your workplace in Dubai, and other locations upon request.


  About our Therapists


- Our therapists are among Dubai’s best – they are fully qualified therapists, insured, with years of workplace experience.

- Our therapists ask each person for a brief medical history to ensure that they receive the best treatment.



We really like Joanne. She is a great masseuse and has kept a few of us going in terms of not having our backs or necks go out. She is very personable and everyone feels comfortable with her.

by Leanne Eames

Team Leader, Dubai UAE







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